Reward for being kind

 As a young college student, I had just moved into my first apartment off-campus. I was excited to have my own space and to be living independently. However, I quickly learned that living on my own came with its challenges. One of those challenges was paying rent on time.

One month, I found myself struggling to come up with the money for rent. I was beginning to panic when I received a call from my landlord. He told me that he had found someone who needed a place to stay for a few days and asked if I could accommodate them. He promised that he would waive my rent for that month if I agreed.

Desperate for a solution, I agreed to take in the stranger. I didn't know anything about him except that his name was Max and he was in town for a job interview. When he arrived, I was taken aback by how kind and friendly he was. He made me feel comfortable and reassured me that everything would be okay.

Over the next few days, Max and I got to know each other. We talked about our lives and our goals. Max was a software engineer, and he had just moved to town for a job opportunity. He shared his experiences with me, and I listened intently.

On the day Max was supposed to leave, he surprised me with an unexpected gift. He handed me an envelope and said, "I hope this helps you out." When I opened the envelope, I was shocked to find a check for the exact amount of my rent. I couldn't believe it. Max had paid my rent for me.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, I thanked Max over and over again. He smiled and said, "It's no big deal. I've been in tough situations before, and someone helped me out. I'm just paying it forward."

I never forgot what Max did for me. Years went by, and I finished college, landed a job, and moved on with my life. But one day, I found myself in a tough spot again. I had lost my job, and I was struggling to pay my bills. I was about to lose my apartment when I received an unexpected call.

It was Max. He had somehow found out about my situation and offered to help. He sent me money to help cover my bills and even helped me find a new job. Max had been my savior back in the day, and he had come to my rescue once again.

From that day on, Max and I remained good friends. I learned that sometimes, the stranger you accommodate in your time of need can turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.

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