we meet people at times to prepare us for when we will need them in the future.

By Esther Ndeka

I realize that we meet people at times to prepare us for when we will need them in the future.
Now there is Jessica, the proudest intelligent girl I have ever known or wasn't that pride I saw? hands are already up even before the teacher had time to even formulate the question, it was that bad. walking around with this disdainful air of' i know if all'.

To me Jessica has always been a rival I had to subdue, I had to win. i do well in my studies but because I didn't pass the all knowing Jessica, I believe I might have as well failed.  Jessica would never talk to you in an exam Hall and that was the height of it. my hatred for Jessica grew and blossomed. we left secondary school and I vowed I would never talk to her again. In fact her chapter has been padlocked in my life.

But God works in mysterious ways as we know, life throws shit at us and I happened to get a fair share of mine.

Then the unthinkable happened, the proudest girl ever liveth in my own world stood by me and didn't judge me. she turned from Jessica the witch to Jessy.
It then dawned on me that I and Jessica weren't supposed to meet when we met, maybe that was the reason everything she did made me annoyed and irritated.  Five years later we just clicked and bonded too....... such is LIFE


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