Whenever I am trying a new hair product, I like to just use it (if I can) and leave out the other products so I can really tell if that exact product is making any difference or not. So after shampooing and conditioning my hair the first time, I left out my root pump and oil after towel drying. You can ask my husband, I bet I told him 3x that night before bed how much I loved “that new shampoo they sent me” lol. I even made him feel of my hair! So if that doesn’t tell you how much I really truly love this brand, I’m not sure what will.
So what’s the big deal?
Well, first off, this shampoo & conditioner combo is going to be different from anything you’ve ever tried before because it will be formulated to the exact needs of YOUR hair and the goals you want for YOUR hair! There’s no two alike. When you click on their site, you’ll see the link for a quick survey – and when I say quick, I’m talking 5mins tops. It will ask you things like – what is your hair type (frizzy, straight, curly, etc), as well as ask you how often you wash your hair weekly, etc. Once you get through the details of your hair, then you go on to decide what type and how strong of a scent you want in your mix. I went with a tangerine smell, but I didn’t want it strong. It is PERFECT for what I was looking for.

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