How our attitude affects everything - by kizito aguleke

What is an attitude?, the dictionary defines attitude as the position of the body or way of carrying oneself;  posture  Or Disposition or state of mind.

How ones attitude affects everything.
Have you ever taken a seconds to analyse how your attitude affects you and things around you, we have seen the definition of attitude, our attitude is something we should check constantly, it is a serious aspect of our lives worth taking note of constantly,
How our attitude affects us
There are two  ways our attitude affects us,

    1. positively or
    2. Negatively

The positive aspect ,
How many of us have the habit of  constantly checking our attitude?,  looking into our lifestyle from time to time, to see the way we are acting on something wrongly and try to amend it.
Positive attitude goes a long way to making one a better person, it enables you to understand your family , friends, colleagues, your neighborhood and surroundings very well and adapt to every situation, understanding your attitude helps you understand more about your self. When one understands ones self very well , it will enable that person to understand and adapt to any environment. The first step to knowing how ones attitude affects everything is to first understand how ones attitude affects ones life. Once you are able to understand your self , you will be able to relate with people very well, it will go a long way in a positive way to help actualize your dreams with little or no stress, it makes you stand out where ever you find your self, it helps you to realize when you offend some one and quickly make amends and equally helps you to improve your relationship with people around you positively,

So , the importance of constantly looking into ones attitude is one of the positive ways of being successful in life.

Some key point on what to ask your self from time to time.

  •  who am I?
  •  How does my character affect those around me?
  •   How do I contribute to humanity, positively .
  •  Are people around me comfortable with me?.
  • How do I politely command authority at my work place without making some one feel i am too arrogant.
And many more questions like that.

Apart from making an effort to look into your lifestyle, its is also important to analyse peoples attitude towards you and every other thing around them.
This will enable you get along with diverse of people, when you understand peoples attitude towards you , you can excel, try as much as possible to understand the reason why people act the way they do around you or towards some other persons. Before you judge them,
Also, take note that in some cases some people can obviously be annoying, do not allow people make you believe that you are what you look like , but rather make them know that you are who you are, and not what you look like. In most cases introverts gets shied away or scared at peoples attitude, that's is wrong,

most times the person that is making you feel bad might not have the slightest idea  of the great goodies that is embedded in you by your creator, in most cases you can even handle what the person is handling better than the person, but for the fact that he or she thinks you are what you look like (incompetent), and if you happen to buy his or her idea that very moment, there is every possibility that fear will make you forget all you know and in the process making you lose confidence in your self . positive attitude helps you know where you stand and helps you stand tall, there are going to be  downtimes, but it will not be as much as when you are not checking the reason why you behaved the way you did previously,

so friends, try as much as possible to constantly check your attitude towards so many aspect of your life.

According to Honoree Corder
"People are attracted to other people who “feel good” to them. The people you most likely feel great around are the people who are easy to be with, who make you feel good about yourself, and who encourage you to be your best self. This “beingness” creates a positive environment in which you can excel.

Without question, one of the most important elements in determining one’s success is his or her attitude. I’ve noticed it’s really easy to have a great attitude when things are going great. What about when you’re experiencing challenges? Your potentially positive attitude comes from controlling your mental real estate: your most valuable property is that which lies between your two ears.
When you’re on top of the world, it seems as though everything goes right. This state of flow can be attributed to “like attracts like.” You may have heard the saying, “The best time to close a deal is when you’ve just closed a deal.” You’ve reached a high vibration or have gotten in a flow state that seemingly makes things happen. The opposite also seems to be true: you lose a client, then another, and then another. What you’re focusing on, you’re getting ... positive or negative.
If you want to begin to or continue to “trend up,” here are five excellent action steps to get you started:

•Remember, “be, do, and have.” You must be positive and then do the right things to have (get) what you want. To be enthusiastic, you must decide to be enthusiastic and fake it ‘til you make it.
•Shift and the world shifts with you. Decide today is going to be an awesome day. Expect it to be awesome. Sit in a field of positive expectation and wonder what great thing is going to happen next.
•When something less-than-fantastic happens, you can respond or react. Choose to respond in whatever way is appropriate and then press the reset button on your attitude.
•Dedicate yourself daily (hourly if necessary) to expanding the scope of your positive attitude.
•Daily: Think positive. Read positive. Listen positive. Talk positive. Affirm positive. Watch positive. Practice positive. Make yourself positive."
Negative attitude,
Before we talk about negative attitude, it will be great to define the word "negative"
Negative : consisting in or characterized by the absence rather than the presence of distinguishing features.
(of a person, attitude, or situation) not desirable or optimistic.
    When ever we just do things the way we want, we end up most times destroying so many things,  take for an example, in a situation where one thinks or practically depicts that no other persons opinion matters,  imagine if you are at the receiving end how you will feel,  there are so many  examples that shows that 65% of the entire world population does not really care about how their attitude affects things around them,  

   " Nysc days", I was posted to bauchi state, I was lucky to be in stream I,  our camping was a huge success, finally I was posted to Warji L.G.A,  for my P P A ( place of primary assignment), with accommodation,  I and max were left in a room for us for our accommodation, everything was moving smoothly because he was a great guy, he was in the said room before I arrived, he welcomed me very well and made me feel comfortable, I was able to cope with him because of his attitude towards me, fast forward to the end of stream ii orientation camp, some corp members were posted to Warji for their  PPA, they came down to Warji on that very day very late because of the distance, they were to pass a night at Warji in other to continue with their registration the next day, on the day of their arrival, there was accommodation issues,  3 more guys were brought to I and max  for them to pass a night in our room till the following day, even though it was not convenient for us, we welcomed them with our hearts,  we were still contemplating on how and where to get extra mattress so as to join it together with the previous two  so that it will accommodate all of us, while I was outside racking my brain on how to make us a little bit comfortable, one of the new corp members went inside, brought his bed spread from his bag, took one of the mattress, placed it under my mosquito net, and arranged it very well for himself, went inside and was busy pressing his phone. Knowing fully well that the mattress and the net belongs to someone he met there, he did not even consider the two other guys that came with him. 
That was a very bad impression, he automatically showed that he was  troublesome.
There are several occasions where by people  depicts negative attitude without even looking back.

If you are a rich man and you feel like, your gate keeper is a no body, and therefore you can treat him any how you want, remember he is the one that takes care of the gate when you are asleep, and it is the same God that created both of you.

Sir, treat your drivers with the respect they deserve, who knows, out of frustration they might get you killed one day if you Dont take your time.

Ma, your attitude towards your house help most times determines how well she takes care of your child and your home,
Boss, the way you relate with your employees, goes a long way to making you or to mar your company.

Remember, no one is perfect, one of the greatest mistake one can make is to totally underestimate his or her fellow being.

Work on your attitude today and see things turn around for good in your life.

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