Forgiveness - by Kizito aguleke


Forgiveness by kizito Aguleke.


The word "forgiveness" is the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.

Forgiveness in my own little understanding, is "freeing ones self, from a constant self  entangling pain due to ones or another persons imperfection".

Letting go, is one of the greatest favor one can do for his or her self,  not forgiving is just like having a key to a place where you are being locked-in, in  your hands and refusing to set your self free.
There is a popular saying  that says " there are two things not to stress your self. (1). Those things You can change and (2) the things you cannot change. , all you got to do is to device the means of tackling your problems as it arises.

Getting angry on someone till eternity will not solve any of your problem, but rather it makes you a very bitter person and very unhappy too,
in most cases you find out that you are killing your self over some one that is not even feeling  the slightest pain you are going through, oh! Yes , in most cases some people are not even aware that you are holding grudges against them, there by implies that you are just hurting your self by your self,

One  thing is certain, every one of us have our good and bad side, but the thing is that, one should not allow the bad side over Shadow the good side, we have all sinned, we have all done so many despicable things, but still yet our father in heaven always forgives us,  who are we not to forgive our fellow human being, 

Mind you, its never easy to just let go, but we got to understand that not forgiving, does us more harm than good, it makes us bitter,  it makes us someone we don't wanna be,  and in most cases it hinders our blessings in many ways,

In conclusion, I implore everyone of us that is still holding back to just let go, forgive that your brother, your best friend, your dad, your mum, your neighbor , your husband, etc.

And also, forgive your self, Dont live in the past.

Just forgive and free your self, just forgive as God Almighty will always forgive us. 

I pray, as you make up your mind to let go,  God Almighty in his infinite mercy will grant you and your family His abundant blessings in Jesus name , Amen.

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